Lifeguards Go Coo Coo For Coconut!

Lifeguards Go Coo Coo For Coconut Water! Lifeguards have been discovering the much talked about benefits of Coconut Water. Coconut water is nature’s Gatorade without the processed sugar, and so much more… Coconut water is ideal for lifeguards for its natural hydrating properties being a […]

Is Chlorine Ever Bad for You?

Could Chlorine Ever Be Bad for You? Most of us can recognize the smell of chlorine from a mile away. On one hand, it resurrects memories from childhood—splashing around in the pool and playing “Marco Polo!” On the other hand, you can’t help but wonder […]

Can Chlorine Give You Asthma?

Reality Check: Can Chlorine Give You Asthma? Chlorine is thought to lead to health risks, spanning anywhere from allergies to rashes to asthma. If a chlorine allergy is on your list of concerns, fear not. It’s been proven that you can’t actually be ​allergic​ to […]