How Lifeguards can Prepare for Flu Season in 2022

It’s hard to believe we’re already back in full swing of flu season. The past few years, we’ve had to worry about flu season and COVID-19 at the same time. For lifeguards who are constantly on the move, it’s important to take precautions so you can avoid getting sick — start here!

1. Drink lots of water

Hydration is key for many reasons. Most lifeguards are used to hydrating often — especially in the heat of the summer. Fall and winter should be no different. Make sure you always have water on hand… even if you’re inside!

2. Take your vitamins daily

An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but you’ll need something stronger to keep you guarded against the flu. Try to get into the habit of taking your multivitamins every day with a meal so you don’t forget.

3. Sanitize, sanitize, sanitize

We all got in the habit of sanitizing our hands in public when COVID-19 was in full swing, but it’s still a good idea to keep your hands clean throughout the flu season. You may want to buy a small, portable hand sanitizer to carry around with you. Or, you can always rely on washing your hands in public restrooms.

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